Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to p a drug test?

I don't know where you got the idea that the drug testing tech can't be present. Wouldn't it be so easy to fool a test every time if that were true? Unfortunately for you, that is NOT true. THC hangs in your system for a long time. It can actually deposit itself in fatty tissue, reside there for decades, and then when you lose a few pounds be released back into your system - and you can actually flunk your drug screen, even though the last time you did pot was 25 years earlier. Yes, the laboratory test is that sensitive. Forget about the frozen urine idea. You can't fool the drug test that easily. Also, frozen urine comes back out with crystals in the solution, and the drug screener is going to spot them. There is ONE, and ONLY one way to p a drug screen, and that is to not take illegal drugs, period. There is NO other method that works every time. If you want a job, don't do drugs. Simple as that.


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